CRAB Project Publications

Interrupting the Cycle of Bullying witnessed or experienced by nursing students: An Ethical and Relational Action Framework.
O’Flynn-Magee, K., Rodney, P., Pearson, M., Afonso Burnay, M., & Daly, Z. (2020). Interrupting the Cycle of Bullying witnessed or experienced by nursing students: An Ethical and Relational Action Framework. Nurse Education Today, 91.
A Call to Revisit and Address the Histories of Bullying in Nursing Education
Daly, Z., O’Flynn-Magee, K., & Rodney, P. (2020) “A Call to Revisit and Address the Histories of Bullying in Nursing Education,” Quality Advancement in Nursing Education – Avancées en formation infirmière, 6), Article 9.
The CRAB Workshop: Using Forum Theatre and Cognitive Rehearsal to Address Bullying in Nursing Education.
O’Flynn-Magee, K., Rodney, P., Maitland, S., Proznick, K., Turner, H., Esson, L., Dhari, R., Fong-Yuk Poon, A., Radu, R. & Scholte, T. (2021). The CRAB Workshop: Using Forum Theatre and Cognitive Rehearsal to Address Bullying in Nursing Education.
Quality Advancement in Nursing Education – Avancées En Formation Infirmière, 7(2).
Stepping out of the Shadows: Creating a story about bullying in nursing education
O’Flynn-Magee, K., Ong, S., & Esson, L. (2021). Stepping out of the Shadows: Creating a story about bullying in nursing education. Nurse Education Today,99(4):104740. 10.1016/j.nedt.2020.104740

Commentary: Exploring the Intersections between Bullying and Racism in Nursing.
O’Flynn-Magee, K., Dhari, R., Esson, L. & Rodney, P. (2021). Com: 34-mentary: Exploring the Intersections between Bullying and Racism in Nursing. Canadian Journal of Nursing Leadership. 34(3) 39. doi:10.12927/cjnl.2021.26595
Living a student-faculty partnership
Fong-Yuk Poon., A., O’Flynn-Magee, K., Rodney, P., Esson, L., Radu, R., Burnay, M., Choi, A., Dooner, C., Griffin, A., Larsen, K., Maitland, Ong, S. Proznick, K., Turner, H. & Dhari, R. (2022). Living a student-faculty partnership. The International Journal for Students as Partners, 6(1)

Just because I am a “Student” does not mean I should tolerate it: Students’ perspectives of Forum Theatre to address bullying in nursing education.
O’Flynn-Magee, Kathy; Dooner, Caryn; Choi, Agnes; Radu, Raluca; Dhari, Ranjit; Esson, Lynne; Poon, Amy Fong-Yuk; and Rodney, Patricia (2022) “Just Because I Am A “Student” Does Not Mean I Should Tolerate It: Students’ Perspectives of Forum Theater to address Bullying In Nursing Education,” Quality Advancement in Nursing Education – Advances in Nursing Education : Vol . 8: Iss. 2, Section 5.
Get In Touch
We hope this website will generate significant discussion and perhaps play a small part in moving us forward to eradicate bullying in nursing practice and education. We would love your comments, questions and suggestions about any of the resources on the website. You can reach us at
Original watercolour crab painting by Skye Maitland, UBC BSN grad 2018